Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lecture Notes #5

POLS 220


FALL 2013




I.                     “Who Pays What?” is important and less noticed=incidence

A.      progressive taxes

B.      proportional taxes

C.      regressive taxes


II.                  Look at different taxes

A.       Federal income tax is generally progressive

1.        rates are very progressive

2.       not as progressive as they used to be

3.       tax breaks make it less progressive

B.       FICA (Social Security/Medicare) tax is regressive

1.        seems proportional

2.       only on earned income

3.       cap of a little over $100,000 on most

C.       Federal excise taxes are regressive

1.       poor spend greater percentages of income on gas, alcohol, tobacco

2.       other purposes for tax

D.       State income taxes vary

1.        WV somewhat progressive (not as much as it used to be)

a.        mini-version of Federal

b.      sometimes brackets outdated

2.        PA almost proportional—slightly progressive

3.       Some MW states have single rate with exemptions

a.        slightly progressive

b.      examples:  IL, MI, OH

4.        ME system--% of federal income tax

a.        currently   about a third

b.      efficient

c.       most progressive

d.      politically challenging

5.        tax breaks make system less progressive

a.       deductions similar to federal

b.      deducting federal tax itself

E.        State sales taxes are regressive

1.        poor consume more of their income

2.       tax breaks usually make it less regressive

a.        PA exempts most food and clothing

b.      some states offer small income tax rebates

F.       State and local property taxes are regressive

1.        doesn’t appear that way at first

2.       renters pay property tax

3.       assessment process favors wealthy

4.       fixed income elderly

5.       you can only own so much home

6.       tax breaks (circuit breakers and homestead exemptions) make property taxes less regressive

G.       State excise taxes are regressive

H.      State and Federal corporate income taxes are progressive


III.                 Overall tax incidence

A.       Federal system is mildly progressive

1.        especially progressive with respect to the poor

2.       progressive tax outweighs other regressive taxes

3.       less progressive than it used to be

B.       state and local systems vary

1.        HI, VT, MN, OR, MT, DE are proportional to slightly regressive—rely on progressive income tax

2.       TX, TN, SD, FL, NH, WA are all highly regressive

a.        average poor person pays 15%

b.      average wealthy person pays 3%

c.       no income taxes

d.      rely on property and/or sales taxes

e.      Tiger Woods, , Phil Mickelson, Papa Bush all rational actors

3.        average state and local system is pretty regressive

a.        poor pay 14%

b.      wealthy pay 6%

4.        WV is pretty close to average

a.        poor pay 13%

b.      wealthy pay 7%

c.       progressive income tax is offset by sales tax with few exemptions

d.      property tax is less important

C.       Combined federal, state, and local system is barely progressive

D.      Why do some states have more progressive tax systems than others?  History, income, interest groups, parties, brackets.

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